April Newsletter

April 2019 Newsletter

April is National Heartworm Awareness Month


Feline heartworm infection is a Deadly Disease

What is Heartworm?  Heartworms are parasites that are transmitted via mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito bites the cat it deposits heartworm larvae in the skin, within six months heartworms can reach the heart and lungs causing Heartworm disease.  Heartworm disease exists in all 50 states.

Indoor cats are at risk as well as outdoor cats,because mosquitoes can get indoors, and cats get outdoors. In fact,of the cats testing positive for heartworm infection 55% lived “strictly or mostly indoors”.(1)

Heartworm disease is diagnosed by obtaining a blood  sample from the cat. If the cat tests negative, then the cat is placed on  heartworm preventative. Unfortunately, if they test positive, there is no treatment for cats.

Heartworm disease is 100% preventable by giving your cat heartworm preventative. There are several types of preventatives:

Heartgard is a chewable once a month preventative.That you give your cat orally.

Revolution and Revolution Plus are topical preventatives that are applied once a month to the cat.

For more information on Heartworm Disease or to schedule your cat’s heartworm test, please call the office.

References:1.) Information from Heartgard ( Merial) pamphlet/Feline HW infections a clinical survey in the USA in proceeding of WAAVP 1997.


Special offers 

April 15th is CAT TAX Special Day. This one day only special is for 25% off any service for your Feline friend. 

(inventory items and supplies not included) ( This day books quickly and times are limited)

 The Month of April  Special is  15% off  Feline Heartworm  Screening  Panel for cats .

(Call our office for more information on this special)


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