As the density of Coronavirus cases continues to mount in our area, we have decided to increase our safety measures for you and for our valued staff. Our goal is to keep this wonderful hospital open and operating to serve you and to care for our beloved patients throughout this difficult time. With this in mind, we have decided to move as much of our service as possible over to curbside for the next few weeks. We understand that as we implement this change there will be some increased wait time and probably some confusion and inconvenience experienced by all. We ask for and appreciate your patience during this transition.
Our cat parking service will continue to operate pretty much as usual. We will continue to preadmit our patients by phone before the day of their cat parking appointment. Now however, we ask you to call when you arrive at the hospital so that one of our staff can meet you outside to get your kitty and bring them into the hospital.
We will contact you by phone regarding your kitty’s services just as we do now. You will be able to speak with the Doctor via phone and get all of your questions answered before you are ready to pick up.
Once you are ready to pick up we will arrange payment methods, either by phone via credit or debit card or we will take your check or cash payment upon pick up.
We will bring your kitty out to your car once you arrive and let us know that you are here.
This will only be possible if you have your kitty in a carrier. If no carrier is available, then you will need to bring your feline friend into the waiting area as we will not transfer cats outside of carriers in the parking lot.
For timed appointments we will call you ahead of your scheduled appointment time to get the preliminary information by phone. This is the information we would normally get from you in the exam room. Once you arrive for your appointment please call us from your car to let us know you have arrived. One of our staff will come out to get your kitty for his or her appointment and the Doctor will perform the examination and the agreed upon services. They will then call you with their information and to answer any questions. We will then complete the final paperwork and payment either by phone or we will pick up your check or cash when we bring your kitty back to you in the parking lot.
If your beloved feline is sick and you would rather do a face to face appointment, then we will certainly work with you to make that happen. Just please let us know what is most comfortable for you and we will accommodate. Also, if exceptions need to be made for other reasons, again please let us know.
We will still welcome owners for visitation of sick cats who are in the hospital. We ask only that you call us to be sure you will be able to visit during low traffic times.
We would also like to do as much curbside pick up of medication refills and food as possible. This can be done rather easily by having your order called in for medication as well as food. We can take your order, get it ready and have it delivered to your car when you arrive.
We are all hoping to get through this unscathed and are looking forward to the time when life can return to a more normal routine. We here at Catzablanca appreciate all of your support and look forward to continuing care for you and your precious feline friend.
Please don’t hesitate to communicate your thoughts and feelings regarding these changes to us so that we can continue to accommodate all of our needs safely.